The happiest day of my life was the day that a big crazy Irish Setter puppy jumped out of my dad's car when he got home from work. Maybe he didn't get home from work. How the hell do I know where he came from? I was five. So it was 35 years ago. Who remembers a detail like that? Not to mention, when you're five you have absolutely no idea where the hell anybody went or where they came from. But all this is neither here nor there. For all practical purposes, in an effort to get this story going, let's all agree that it really doesn't fuckin matter where my dad came from when the dog jumped out of his car. If we were to analyze this very much further, we might reason that my dad hadn't been returning from work. He was a captain in the Air Force at that time, a navigator on a B-52. So just how the hell was he supposed to have gotten this dog at work? It doesn't add up.
Yet it happened. Pretty much.
I really haven't met many other Irish Setters in my lifetime, and those that I have met were kinda stupid and annoying. Not only that, but they seem to have been owned by stupid and annoying people. That probably goes with the territory. I'm not gonna drag Freud into this or anything, but the odds are that if your dog's an annoying idiot, he or she just might have learned it from you. And Irish Setters aren't usually that big. I'm not gonna research this cos I really don't give that much of a fuck but I'm pretty sure that that breed of dog is usually about 60 pounds or so. And they have somewhat pointy snouts and look a little bit prissy. Then again, maybe they look prissy cos their people want them to look prissy.
Mac wasn't prissy. He must've been mixed with something else. I mean, he was red, had long fur that hung down on his belly, his tail and his ears like an Irish Setter. But he was pretty solid, with a big head and a fatter snout than a purebred. Plus he weighed around a hundred pounds. Whether or not my wild guess at the average weight of an Irish Setter is anywhere near accurate, they don't weigh a hundred pounds. O.K. I let curiosity get the best of me and I googled it. Male setters weigh between 60 and 70 pounds. So I was on the low end of correct. Mac was much bigger than that.
Irish Setters are pains in the ass. Ours was anyway. All dogs are pains in the ass at one point in time or the other. Now that I think about it, everybody's a fuckin pain in the ass at one point in time or the other. And that's being kind. Most people are aggravating nuicances from the time they're conceived until after they're finally buried. Even when they're dead, some poor jerk has to dig a goddam hole to put them in. And how annoying is that? So let's give dipshit, hyperactive, inherently disobedient dogs a break. Especially if they're nice to have around. That's more than I can say for most humans. To quote a bumper sticker my friend used to have on his truck, the more people I meet the more I like my dog.
I love your writing Ive missed it hugely, your as unique as every other mop bucket is...xoxox