Thursday, November 21, 2013

Greetings from Jerkland. Glad You're Not Here.

                So yeah.  Back to the seemingly never ending saga of my war with society at the Goodwill on South Wadsworth.  It’s getting late and I’m listening to bagpipes while I’m all hopped up on Prozac.  Who would've imagined that life would become this?  I think this is why they gave me the goddam prozac in the first place cos I did fuckin imagine it and I figured it’d be simpler for everybody if I just drank a bottle of rum and overdosed on heroin.  Yet thanks to modern pharmacology, I’m talking about this instead of being nothing more than a goddam memory.  Whoop-De-Doo.

                Don't worry.  I'll be brief.  We all have other things we'd rather be doing.  I just wanted to say a few things real quick though, really.  Like the other day I posted a blah blah blog about doing community service at the Goodwill and a friend asked if Goodwill does any good will.  I replied that they don’t, that Goodwill is pretty much a leech on society, at least as much of a leech as the drug addict who stands on the median with a sign, desperately hoping that he’ll get enough money for one more hit so he can get back out and stand on the median a little longer.  I mentioned that the only claim of altruism that Goodwill can make is that they hire retards and felons, a claim that McDonald’s can also make.

                Well, today I went in to the Goodwill early cos I had shit to do in the afternoon.  At 8 in the morning, some disgusting fat-ass brings a little gang of wingnuts and retards into the Goodwill for them to perform what custodial tasks need to be done before the store opens.  I don’t know who sponsors this field trip but I’m gonna go in and actually volunteer next week so I can freak out on the pathetic slug who’s in charge of these poor guys without getting into hot water with my probation officer.  I know I call them wingnuts and retards, but that’s just cos I’m a fuckin jerk who’s writing a fuckin jerky blog here in Fuckin Jerkland.  The miserable excuse for a human who’s responsible for these folks is loud and mean and abusive to them the entire time that they’re cleaning the bathrooms and emptying the trash.  Why the management of Goodwill tolerates this defies any kind of reason.

                Fuck Goodwill.  Spend your money somewhere else.  Donate your stuff to somebody else.


The Kevitron 6000 said...

And the idea that they're not honest about it. There are other thrift stores that make no effort to act as if they're not doing anything other than selling garbage. Goodwill touts itself as a non-profit.

virgo1234 said...

I've heard this , that is why my stuff is going to the Salvation army