Wednesday, December 23, 2009


After an entire summer of my drunken antics, I believe that my sister had had enough. And they weren't just your standard drunken antics. They were the antics of an 18 year old bum who wasn't planning on getting any less bummier. I'd go into some of those antics right now, but they're either stories for another day or they're too fuckin boring. Take your pick. Except you can't, cos you're not hearing those tales of misadventure at this time. You're stuck with this goddam story. Fuckers....

Just kidding! You're not fuckers! Except for that you are....

I remember when I was around the age that this stupid little tale takes place and I'd wonder who that was walking down the street was a porn star. I asked somebody whom I admired and respected and that person told me that everybody was a porn star, when hardly anybody else is looking. But that's beside the point.

The point is that I went into a bank with my fuckin sister. And she was about as annoyed with me as a big sister could be, which is one aggravation point higher than how annoyed you probably are with me right now. I guess I might as well mention that I was a D&D nerd when my big sister was my big sister. So, back when this story takes place, I might not have admitted it, but I was a 6th Level Dumbass.

So I may as well describe the situation from the vantage point of a 6th Level Dumbass:

to be continued....

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