Friday, February 20, 2015

The Brief Life Of Comedy

It's hard to be funny when I'm all worried and depressed. I still say funny shit, I guess. Just not as often and whatever joke I make is probably morbid and/or cynical and bitter. Sometimes my ideas and opinions just sound funny to me the way I happen to word them and inflect them as I babble them out. What can I say? I crack me up. Still, I haven't exactly been a goddam barrel of monkeys for the past while. Whatever the hell that means...

How the fuck did “a barrel of monkeys” come to be synonymous with “fun”. A barrel of monkeys doesn't sound like a good time. It sounds awful! At best the poor things would be getting lice from one another, shitting all over each other and who knows what all else kind of implied terribleness. And there's a good chance that it'll just be a total bloodbath. From what little I've seen on Youtube, a lot of monkeys don't fuck around. If you jam no fewer than five pissed-off monkeys into a barrel and seal the top tight so they can't get out, they're gonna gouge each others' eyes out and pretty much tear one another into little pieces.

Everybody knows that.

Sometimes I think of different funny shit that's gotten said over the years and it'll make me giggle. I keep stupid little jokes. I don't know if everybody does that or if not, how many people do it. It's a nice thing to do, I guess. A little sad, but nice. I know I'm not alone in rehashing little impromptu skits and quick-witted one-liners that I've shared with my friends in my head that you might've had to have been there for. But I consider myself lucky to have been there cos some of that stuff was fuckin funny. These are treasures that would otherwise be lost forever, like a poem that you write and throw away or like the best goddam cheeseburger you ever had that you won't remember for much longer than a day or two.

Like the time we were waiting in the train yard and my buddy peeked up to see whether the vehicle driving around across the yard was a railroad worker or a cop. I asked him if it was a bull and he replied that no, it was just a beat-up pickup. So I sang “beat-up pickup” to the tune of “Get Up, Stand Up” by Bob Marley. Without missing a beat my friend finished it up with “beat-up pickup truck”. Holy shit that was funny. Maybe it helped that we were a little giddy from exhaustion and from having full bellies for the first time in days, but it still cracks me up when I think about it.

Or the time when me and all my fellow squatmates excused ourselves from one of our friends' place who payed rent so we could go back and work on our house. Our friend told us he'd stop by later. When we got home somebody had a couple of cans of spray paint and next thing I know we're all sitting in a pile of garbage in somebody's room and huffing paint. Our friend showed up after a while, as promised, and looked at us like we were a major disappointment. “Jesus”, he said, shaking his head. “I thought you guys were gonna work on the house?” My buddy gestured to the trashed-out room around him and said “We ARE working on the house, that's why it looks like this!”

Or the time I picked up a banana and answered it, talked into it for a second, and handed to my friend, whereupon he took the call and made a bunch of arrangements with whoever we were suddenly talking to on the banana, keeping a perfectly straight face the entire time. Or the time somebody asked me to call the cats and I got out my phone and started talking to Stripes on the phone, asking him when he and mittens thought they might be home.

Yeah, I guess you probably had to be there but I'm glad I was.