I'm an animal lover. As normal pets
go, I definitely consider myself a dog person. But even though dogs
and squirrels have been at war since the two creatures have existed,
I still root for the squirrels once in a while. Cos I love squirrels,
too. They're pretty damn neat. In fact, a comic book hero named
Squirrel Man would probably be pretty bad ass. He could climb trees
real good, hang upside down and shout at you for no evident reason.
Not that any of that shit would come in real handy in a fight, but
the rest of us can't do it. Or at least we can't do it as good as
Squirrel Man.
So I like dogs and I like squirrels. I
also like cats and birds. They're delicious! But aside from being
some of my favorite cuisine, I like to observe these animals doing
what comes naturally to them. I also like doing unnatural things in
order to get a better look at them. I'm not talking about Satanic
rituals or anything like that. And I guess I'm more referring to the
birds when I say I like to check them out in their natural
environment. I can look at the goddam cat anytime I want, especially
if I open a can of tuna. What I'm talking about is that I put a
low-hanging bird feeder in the garden.
It was okay when I first put it there.
The foliage was pretty low to the ground. The cat would hang out and
stare at the feeder, waiting for a customer. The birds, who are often
noted for their keen eyesight, wouldn't approach the feeder when the
cat was on patrol. Now however, thanks to the garden's location on
Earth, the plants and flowers have all grown to nearly reach the
little seed-feeder. The cat isn't quite so visible to the birds and
now the bird feeder also moonlights as a cat feeder.
The family was brought a gift this
morning: a deceased but unmangled sparrow. I thanked him and took it
away from him, but I was still in my slippers and didn't feel like
burying it so I just took the bird outside and gave it back to the
cat. Only now I feel like an asshole for inviting the birds for lunch
just so they can get mauled by a Siamese. I reckon I should move the
feeder to a more bird-friendly locale. Either that or I should just
admit that I'm a cat lover.