Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tennis Anyone?

This week's entry for my writing group. The subject is "Invasion of Privacy".

Well, I wrote a little essay or rant or something on the subject of invasion of privacy that had something to do with how a convicted felon can’t get a goddam job or an apartment cos every prospective landlord and employer just has to click a button and find out his or her criminal background. Christ, they even have my DNA. In that essay, I mentioned that it must’ve been cool to live in a time when you could rob a bank and outrun the cops and the only witnesses were scared people who could barely remember what you looked like. Nowadays, the police have helicopters and GPS and every asshole on the street records the whole experience on their iPhones.

I didn’t even think to mention Santa Claus. Fuckin A. He knows all kinds of secrets about us. Nevermind God. That fucker’s EVERYWHERE. He’s hiding in the Port-O-Potty. Watching.

Instead, I thought about this.

I recently watched an interview with Tom Araya, the frontman for one of my all-time favorite bands, Slayer. It’s a great interview. He’s being interviewed by a couple of junior highschool-aged girls. He’s old and grizzly, plus he’s fuckin Tom Araya, but he’s sweet as pie when he’s answering the little girls’ questions. At one point he reveals that he used to play the broom before he ever learned how to play bass. He asks the girls if they ever played the broom before and they look at him like they don’t know what the fuck he’s talkin about. He laughs. So do I whenever I watch that interview.

When I was 13, I could totally jam on the tennis racket. I’d be playing the opening riff of “Paranoid” by Black Sabbath like nobody’s business. Hell, I could play all the songs on the Sabbath tape that I commandeered from my big sister without her seeming to have noticed. One time when I was rockin out, my 17 year-old sister walked into my room without knocking. I froze. I looked up at her. She didn’t even bother to roll her eyes. She just looked at me like “you gotta be fuckin kidding me”, turned around and shut the door. I rigged up a way to lock my door after that so I could practice and hopefully one day become a star.

(I never post links but I will this time. If you wanna watch the interview, it's really cute and it's right here.)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

All Dogs Go To Hell

I keep not writing a story (or a novel, really) about me and my old dog. I mean, I write stories about me and my old dog, but there are so many stories and there’s so much confusion and so much meaning and so much realization that I can draw from my years as a young dumbass with a big, smelly dog that I can feel a story brewing. Kinda like a zit that you gotta pop. Like the kinda zit you invite your buddies into the bathroom to watch you pop.

My dog was nothing more than that. He was a fuckin dog. An old friend of mine who I’m certain remembers me far less often and far less fondly than I do him had once stated that “All Dogs Like The Butthole Surfers”. He may not even remember saying this, but I remember it. Hell, I’ve adopted it as an idea of my own.

Here’s why:

My old dog wasn’t very noisy. Good dog. Fuck noisy dogs. The only time I ever heard that dog howl was when he’d sing with the violins at the tail end of “Creep In The Cellar”. Not being a howler, he’d kinda gurgle instead. And he’d get embarrassed. You had to kinda look the other way or leave the room, otherwise he wouldn’t do it. But he’d do it. That dog liked the fuckin Butthole Surfers.

And really, who doesn’t?

Monday, September 8, 2014


This week's writing group topic is "coincidences". 

I walked outta the Kroger with my bags of groceries. In retrospect, I probably should’ve left them in the cart. I had just bought eighty bucks worth of shit that filled about seven bags, plus a ten pound bag of charcoal. I had joked with/scolded the bagger while she put my groceries into the bag, telling her that I wasn’t walking to California and that she didn’t need to put each individual item into its’ own fuckin bag. I only need to get to my car, after all. She smiled the smile of a minimum-wage earner who couldn’t care less as she began cramming as many canned goods into a flimsy little plastic bag as the bag could possibly handle. I understood how she felt. I wouldn’t have given a fuck about me or my stupid cans of whatever I bought either if I was her.

The bag with all the cans in it was beginning to weaken as I reached my station wagon. Plus, the bag of charcoal was slipping out of the back of my armpit and threatened to blop onto the parking lot. That might not’ve been a tragedy but I hurried even faster to avoid looking like the idiot who splattered all his groceries in front of the store. I’m not sure how cool anybody else thought I looked, but I was feeling pretty cool. Dressed in all black with my newest Bathory Tshirt on, the one with the giant white pentagram on it, I was lookin like a bad motherfucker and I didn’t wanna blow my cover by crawling around picking up cans of tomato sauce, etc. I don’t panic, so I know I looked nonchalant as I made it to my Subaru.

I opened the hatchback and gently placed my groceries into the back of the car, though by then my triceps were burning and I realized that maybe I should’ve taken a leak in the store while I was in there. The car smelled somewhat strongly of vanilla with a vague after-smell of cinnamon. My urge to piss had taken over pretty heavily all of a sudden so I didn’t give it much thought, but my car usually smelled like wet dog and empty beer cans. I don’t even really like vanilla all that much. Whatever. God I really had to piss all of a sudden. I shut the far back door of my Subaru, walked in a brisk criss-cross pattern along the side of the car, opened the door, and slid in.

Holy Christ! I reached into the passenger seat and grabbed the nearly-empty Gatorade bottle that was laying on the floor. It had a little bit of blue Gatorade in it. I never drink blue unless I’m hard up and somebody gives it to me. It’s always raspberry flavored. Why the fuck raspberry flavored stuff is always blue just boggles my mind. But man, my eyes were turning yellow I had to piss so bad so I let all these thoughts fly out the window. I also neglected to wonder at the presence of a small harness that might fit a cat or a Chihuahua laying next to the plastic bottle as I snatched it up. I fumbled to unscrew the cap with one hand as I unzipped my pants with the other. I stuck my thing in and let it rip.

Goddam… Good thing it was a quart-sized bottle. I felt like I was nearly floating as I relieved myself. As I peed, I looked up and wondered where the hell the steering wheel had gone. And where was my dashboard? I briefly panicked. ‘WHO THE FUCK STOLE MY DASHBOARD AND STEERING WHEEL WHILE I WAS IN THE STORE?’, my brain shouted at itself.

‘Hold on, dude’, my brain reasoned to itself. ‘Let’s finish pissing and we’ll figure it out’. The wide-mouthed bottle was rapidly warming in my hand and I elected to follow the logic that I should solve the Mystery of the Missing Steering Wheel once my bladder had permitted me to. As I thought this, I detected movement out of the left side of my field of vision. An extremely fat white lady in her mid-50s clad in polka-dot scrubs was walking between my car and the SUV next to mine. She was cradling a Pekingese dog in her left arm and from her left hand a grocery bag dangled. It looked as if she had ran in to pick up some sour cream or maybe some cottage cheese. I looked up at the back of the front seat of the car as she opened the driver’s side door and grunted loudly with her effort to climb in. Her frizzy home-perm was the only thing visible from the top of the driver's seat, looking like a crazed woodchuck preparing to strike.

Her dog emitted a blood-curdling bark/howl as the lady’s and my eyes met in the rearview mirror. I was in mid-piss, the Gatorade bottle’s capacity nearly filled. I attempted to stammer an explanation when she shrieked and whipped her head around and saw me overflowing a bottle with pee onto my hand and all over her seats. The Pekingese continued to bellow shrilly. The woman did her best to evacuate her car and she joined her dog in loudly alerting anybody within a mile that there was an intruder, that she was in danger.

I dropped the pee-bottle on the seat, where it upturned and spilled fresh, warm urine into the crotch of my cool-looking black jeans as I opened the door behind the driver’s seat and scurried out. Other patrons turned their heads in alarm at the woman’s screaming. My penis was still protruding from my unzippered jeans as I ran across the parking lot, though it quickly and wisely had shrunk from view as a turtle withdraws its head from what it knows is certain death. I heard shouts of “HEY!” and “I GOT YOUR PICTURE” from concerned store-goers as I bolted around the side of the store and hopped over the fence into somebody’s back yard.

An hour later, after I had changed clothes and returned on my bicycle to find my car parked where I had left it a few spaces down from the lady who had run out of sour cream, I chucked my bike in the back of my car and drove to a Burger King. I was starving and really had my heart set on a burger and all my food was at some fat broad's house getting fed to Toto or whatever-its-name was.

Friday, September 5, 2014


I haven’t written in a minute, in part because I’m a lazy bum.  I have other excuses that make me out to be something of an innocent angel, but nobody wants to hear about all that.  Nobody wants to hear about me being a lazy bum either.  In fact, I should probably just shut the fuck up.  But I won’t.  It’s not in my nature.  

But I really have been doing other stuff.  No shit, huh?  What’d you think? I’ve been cryogenically frozen?  Of course you didn’t.  You’re not a crazy moron.  Or maybe you are.  Something’s definitely wrong with you if you’re reading this nonsense.  Perhaps you’re convinced that I’ve been traveling time, that I’ve interfered with major events throughout human history, that I’ve done a terrible job and that I’m solely responsible for the human condition.  You’re ready to kick me in the balls the next time you see me.  You’re seeking to hire thugs to have my fingernails torn out.  Yep.  You’re a maniacal idiot.  

Get a fuckin grip. If I were a time-traveler I’d be playing Black Sabbath songs before Tony Iommi invented them, shooting coke and screwing groupies and letting Motorhead open for me on my tour.

Sorry, folks.  I’m just some guy. I’m not the Master of Reality. I guess I’m the master of my own reality. Sadly, I’m not even that. I’m more like my reality’s slightly younger sibling. Me and my reality squabble quite a bit. We pinch each other and pull each other’s hair in the back seat of the cosmic station wagon with the fake wood paneling as we careen around the blind curves along the rocky cliffs of life. Once in a while our dad tells us he’s gonna pull the goddam car over and kill the both of us, to which me and my reality say, “fuckin go for it”.

So far, Dad keeps pussying out. I’ve lost all respect for him if I ever had any at all.

Man, I don’t even know what the fuck I’m talkin about here with all this Dad shit but I like saying it so I’m gonna keep on typing.

I’ve been inudated with foks who have aversions to bugs lately. Not that I’m a big fuckin bug fan or anything, but we’re talkin about crickets and some unnameable, unidentifiable biting bugs that don’t seem to identify themselves to me, nor do they bite me. So I easily fall into the role of the guy in the horror movie who’s rightfully but obnoxiously skeptical about all the bugophobia. Jesus Christ! It’s a fuckin cricket! And you don’t like spiders or bats, either? WE’RE FUCKED!

As a piece of side info, I can’t fuckin stand spiders. I will, however, permit them to survive in my house as long as I know where they generally are, as long as I know they’re not poisonous, and as long as where they are is somewhere where I don’t have to look at them or deal with them. If there is evil in nature, spiders are the epitome of it. So are hyenas. Damn. I’ve seen young cats tear the entrails out of baby rabbits and let them live just so they could keep trying to catch them. Are cats evil?

Evidently they are.

The other morning I heard some kinda awful racket going on in the back room of the house. It was early and I was waiting for the coffee to get done. When I finally poured a cup and walked through on my way out for a cigarette, I saw an upturned cicada on the tile floor being simultaneously gently and violently batted at by the cat who was hiding behind the coat rack. Cicadas aren’t evil. At least I don’t think they are. I mean, they gotta eat so they probably ruin something’s lives, but they’re not like wasps or anything. Maybe if you’re a dandelion or something then cicadas are Freddy fuckin Kruger but overall, they’re pretty harmless.  

They look evil though. Holy shit! They look like something outta H.R. Giger’s nightmares. Perhaps they are. They’re all black and huge and noisy and semi-robotic looking. Fuck. Maybe the thing was a late-model NSA drone. The cat was having fun with it but he looked a little scared of it, too. I forgot that the cat wasn’t a dog so I kept urging him to “get it” to which he didn’t seem to respond any more than if I would’ve never walked into the room in the first place.

I thought about squishing the goddam thing except that the cicada seemed like it had no desire to be in the house and it wasn’t trying to bother anybody. Of course it was bothering me cos it was making all kinds of cicada noise but what the fuck did I expect? Plus, if I woulda squished it then I’d just have a big dead bug to clean up. I’m not real squeamish, but grabbing it didn’t sound appealing (especially before I’d had any coffee) so I scooped him up with a newspaper and chucked him out onto the patio where he promptly got eaten by one of the iguanas that lives on the deck.

Just kidding. We don’t have any iguanas. They might attack the cat.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Boat Man

This is for the writing group I'm involved in. This week's topic was "past lives".

I sat in the dark, sandwiched between two other weirdos on the couch as we stared at the TV. We were watching some crazy-ass underground horror flick. I had drank a substantial amount of cough syrup not long beforehand and it had finally kicked in pretty hard. I squirmed a little on the sofa, feeling uncomfortable to be squished up next to people and feeling uncomfortable for feeling uncomfortable. I didn’t know if they were touching me or if I was touching them and I didn’t know why it mattered. I tried to pay attention to the movie instead, but I had no idea what the hell was happening in it. I glanced briefly around the room at the other folks, some with whom I was very close and others who were casual acquaintences. Their eyes were unanimously glued to the television.

‘I feel like an alien’, I thought.

My friend Steve’s voice rang clearly in my brain. ‘You are an alien’.

I looked over at Steve, his full attention seemingly to be on the movie.

‘Yeah, man’, another voice piped into my mind, the voice of a girl I had only met that evening who was sitting next to me on the couch. She was pretty but she didn’t seem to like me all that much, and as much as I might’ve liked to have been snuggled up next to her, I didn’t wanna appear to be creepy by enjoying our thighs touching one another’s. She shifted a little next to me and I wondered if she had done it intentionally.

‘Don’t you remember?’, she continued, sounding a bit frustrated at my ignorance but friendly and warm too, as if she were trying to coax a scared kitten out from under a bed. ‘Watch.’

I turned my attention to the television. On the screen, there was a pond with the sun shining on it and countless toy sailboats bobbing happily on the gentle waves. The image filled me with a sense of peace and happiness as well as with a sad, empty longing for a time that was now long gone. I felt embarrassed for being so emotionally overwhelmed by a bunch of goddam boats in a movie that was about people getting killed by a chainsaw juggler or whatever
the hell it was that we were watching.

‘It’s okay’, her voice said soothingly. ‘Yellow sailboats were always your thing. It was one of the things we all loved about you.’

‘Yeah, bro’, my friend Jake’s voice chimed in. ‘Remember when me and you had that boat race and you totally kicked my ass? You were always the champ when it came to racing those things’.

I looked around me somewhat wildly. Nobody was exhibiting any sign of paying any attention to me. I looked back at the TV. The boats were no longer an important part of the storyline. There were hundreds of people who had been watching the sailboats, one of whom I somehow recognized as my mother, though she bore no resemblance whatsoever to the mother I know. In the movie, the spectators were smiling and lazily enjoying the warm afternoon. A thought tugged at the corner of my mind that I knew these people, that they were family. I thought I saw myself, a small child standing on the shore of the pond, holding my friend’s hand while we watched the dippy little sailboats fighting to not capsize in the breeze.

‘This is what they did, James’, Steve’s voice cut in suddenly. Sharply. ‘This is what they do’.

In the movie, large, black military-style vehicles descended quickly over the hill that lay behind the crowd who stood on the bank of the pond. The friendly chatter of the people turned to screams, their smiles twisted into grimaces of understanding and horror. The children looked confused and began crying, including the little boy who I somehow recognized as being myself and my friend who I was holding hands with. Some of the people threw their hands in the air as a sign of submission. Others turned and tried to find safety by plunging into the pond, some of them carrying children in the crooks of their arms.

The black not-tanks had arrived. Large people clad in masks leapt from the huge trucks, their faces concealed by black helmets and mirrored face masks, wielding large, two-handed truncheons and wearing pistols on their hips. A cold, loud voice bellowed from a speaker ordering the crowd to stand still. The people were crying and shouting in protest. Within seconds, gunfire erupted from one of the vehicles and was quickly joined by the others. I saw myself crying as my mother stooped down to hug me, to protect me, to tell me that we were gonna be okay. The gunfire silenced as the mean guys in black bore down on what remained of the crowd. One of them pulled my mother from me by her hair and threw her to the ground on her back and began stomping on her face with his heavy boots. He yanked me from the ground by my arm and carried me by one arm towards the now silent and smoking black trucks.

The camera panned across the now-bloody crowd, mothers and fathers dying in the grass, gurgling goodbyes to their children where the camera view finally set on the pond where bullet-ridden corpses lolled amidst the idiotic yellow sailboats.

Steve’s voice cut into my mind evenly. ‘You know how you and me were like brothers from the first time we ever met? I love you, James. We’ve known each other for thousands of years. You have to remember, man. We need you back. You’re the Boat Man.”